
New Map of Bishops and Parishes Available on the Assembly Website

A new map, Orthodox Bishops and Parishes in the United States, is now available on the Assembly's website. The updated map shows: a) locations, names and jurisdictions of all active Orthodox bishops in the United States and b) the total number of Orthodox parishes in each county.

August 07, 2018
Directory of Pan-Orthodox Clergy Brotherhoods and Associated Pan-Orthodox Organizations

The first-ever national state-by-state directory of the active local and regional Orthodox Clergy Brotherhoods and associated Pan-Orthodox laity organizations has been published by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. Thirty-six local or regional Orthodox Clergy Brotherhoods and nine Pan-Orthodox laity organizations are listed in this directory.

July 20, 2018
Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America: A Parish Life Study

The study 'Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America' offers a comprehensive picture of the lives of local American Orthodox parishes, including such aspects as membership, worship, programs, religious education, youth, usage of electronic technologies, and much more. In addition, the study also addressed the crucial question: 'How are Orthodox Christian parishes faring today among the many other American local religious communities?'

January 30, 2018
Nativity Message from the Assembly Chairman

The encounter between God and man does not occur in shopping centers, Christmas markets, or ornate storefronts. Such festive places certainly bring a smile to our faces, especially to our children, but they fail to offer us salvation. Worth more than a precious ornament, and more valuable than fragrant perfumes, God’s mercy is freely offered to the world by the birth of the Son of God.

December 22, 2017
Response to The Chieti Document is Another Step Forward for the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches’ Common Understanding in Service of Unity

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation (NAOCTC) has released its response to the most recent document produced by the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The Chieti Document discusses the relationship between primacy and synodality during the first millennium Churches of the East and West. It specifically examines that relationship on three levels: the local, regional and universal. The NAOCTC response reflects upon each of the three levels and offers suggestions for further study and consideration.

December 14, 2017
Young Adults and Young Adult Ministries in American Orthodox Christian Parishes

The subject of young Orthodox Church members was a major topic on the agenda of the recent Annual General Assembly Meeting. This report was prepared in order to help Assembly address our common concern about the engagement of youth and young adults in the lives of American Orthodox parishes.

November 29, 2017
Orthodox Christian Hierarchs Gather in New Jersey for Eighth Annual Meeting; Focus on Youth and Young Adults

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America held its Eighth Annual General Assembly Meeting October 3-5, 2017 in Garfield, NJ. Thirty-Two Hierarchs from across the country gathered to prayerfully consider ways to enhance their Orthodox witness to the world and to address their common concerns for youth and emerging adults.

October 11, 2017
Message of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America

Recognizing the blessing that it is to gather in peace in order prayerfully to reflect upon the life of the Church, we express our deep gratitude to all those who planned and prepared for this year’s Assembly. It is our common conviction that, in coming together in fraternity to address common issues of pastoral concern, welfare and mission, we are strengthened in our witness and work in this God-preserved land.

October 06, 2017
Address of the Chairman His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America at the 8th Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America

Through God’s grace and providence, we have all been brought together to this one place and we have been called to walk in unison toward a common goal, albeit, one that is still unfolding and which will be fully revealed in the eschaton. While our sights are ultimately set on the 'things to come and longed for,' as long as we call ourselves co-laborers in God’s vineyard, it is our sacred obligation to work together to realize this goal by drawing ever-closer to one another.

October 03, 2017
Response to Racist Violence in Charlottesville, VA

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America stands with all people of good will in condemning the hateful violence and lamenting the loss of life that resulted from the shameful efforts to promote racial bigotry and white supremacist ideology in Charlottesville, Virginia.

August 18, 2017
Atlas of American Orthodox Monasteries Electronic Edition is Now Available

The electronic version of the widely popular Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Monasteries has been released by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA and made available free of charge to everyone.

June 12, 2017
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday set for May 21, 2017

We who do not live in the darkness of a prison or jail cannot truly comprehend the incredible distress men and women prisoners live with each and every day. OCPM needs all our help to bring the love and light of Christ to these precious souls. The Orthodox Church, through OCPM, offers both hope and healing to those living in such distress.

May 11, 2017
Go and Make Disciples: Evangelization and Outreach in US Orthodox Parishes

The first ever, national study on evangelization and outreach in Orthodox parishes in the United States has been released by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. The report 'Go and Make Disciples: Evangelization and Outreach in US Orthodox Parishes' explores the practices and strategies developed by some Orthodox parishes that can be viewed as 'exemplary' in their missionary and outreach efforts.

April 24, 2017
Assembly Chairman's Message for Holy Pascha 2017

Pascha 2017 - To the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Members of Philanthropic Organizations, the Youth and Youth Workers, and the entire Orthodox Christian Family in the United States of America

April 12, 2017
Mission Sunday 2017 - February 26, 2017

On this final Sunday before the Great Fast, let us look ahead to the joy that awaits us at the end of our Lenten journey, and let us join together in the work of our brothers and sisters who are bringing that joy to more and more people. Remember the work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a common ministry of all Orthodox Christian jurisdictions throughout our nation.

February 22, 2017
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to Continue Successful Fellowships at the UN

The Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is inviting graduate and recent post-graduate students to apply for its fellowships at the United Nations.

February 07, 2017
Scout Sunday - February 5, 2017

Scout Sunday is an annual event among all faiths which recognize the good work that is done by Scouts in our religious communities. The observance of Scout Sunday tradition was started years ago to make people in the church aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out of what is pledged each week.

January 31, 2017
OCN Share the Light Sunday is January 15, 2017

The Assembly of Bishops has designated January 15, 2017 as Orthodox Christian Network "Share the Light Sunday". Now more than ever, we need to focus on the next generation of Orthodox leaders. The Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) has decided to take this concern and address it in a real and impactful way. In addition to our strong media ministry presence on multiple platforms, we will spend 2017 focusing on identifying and highlighting thirty Orthodox individuals who exhibit strong leadership and mentor skills in their community and who are under the age of thirty.

January 03, 2017
Nativity Message from the Assembly Chairman

On this most blessed day of Christ’s Nativity, we are encouraged to direct our hearts and minds not only to the spectacle of lights, the sounds of carols, and the tastes of savory food, but to the horror of darkness, the chaos of war, and the sound of grumbling stomachs of our brothers and sisters. This occurs overseas but also in our own backyard.

December 21, 2016
New Map of Bishops and Parishes Available on the Assembly Website

An updated map of Orthodox bishops and parishes in the US is now available on the Assembly's website.

December 07, 2016

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