
Showing 301 - 320 of 408 Articles | Page 16 of 21

Requesting the Immediate Release of Archbishop Jovan

On February 21, Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, sent a letter to the US Secretary of State, Ms. Hillary Clinton, requesting the immediate release of Jovan, the Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, who has been imprisoned under false accusations by the schismatic organization in F.Y.R. Macedonia.

May 01, 2012
Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops Holds Meeting in Toronto

On March 29, 2012, the Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops had a meeting at the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto. On the agenda were the reports of the dialogue with the Catholic Bishops, pastoral, canonical and liturgical issues, a Directory of all Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs, jurisdictions and parishes. It was discussed the update on the petition addressed to the Ecumenical Patriarchate to approve the constituency of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of Canada. There were also discussed plans for joint-ministry and fraternal cooperation in the future. An important topic was the discussion of the situation of persecuted Christians in the World and the position of the Orthodox in Canada.

April 27, 2012
Holy Pascha 2012

Beloved and Christ-loving Clergy, God-fearing Monastics and Pious Laity of the Holy Church in North and Central America: We greet you with a holy kiss in the Name of the Resurrected Theanthropos Jesus Christ, and, together with you and Orthodox Christians throughout the world, we joyfully proclaim that Christ is risen!

April 14, 2012
Interview with Bishop Matthias of the Orthodox Church In America

The latest interview as part of our series of "Conversations with our Bishops" is now available for you to hear online or download. Bishop Matthias of the Orthodox Church In America offers his reflections on the Assembly.

April 05, 2012
Committee for Canonical Regional Planning 2011 Annual Report

Read the latest annual report from the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning which is charged with formulating a proposal for a plan to organize all the Orthodox faithful of every jurisdiction in the Region on a canonical basis.

March 27, 2012
Condolences on the occasion of the Death of Pope Shenouda III

On March 19, Archbishop Demetrios, the Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, sent a letter of condolence on behalf of the Assembly to the Coptic Orthodox Church on the occasion of the death of their reigning hierarch, Pope Shenouda III, who fell asleep on March 17. The text of the letter follows

March 20, 2012
Five Facts About the Orthodox Church in the United States

Assembly of Bishops Research Coordinator Alexei Krindatch has released a new 40-page report titled, Five Interesting Facts About Orthodox Church Geography and Demography in the United States.

March 12, 2012
Annual Reports from Committees for Youth, Financial Affairs

Annual reports are available online from the Committee for Youth and the Committee for Financial Affairs.

March 09, 2012
Committee for Youth 2011 Annual Report

The 2011 Annual Report of the Committee for Youth.

March 09, 2012
Committee for Financial Affairs 2011 Annual Report

The annual report for 2011 of the Committee for Financial Affairs.

March 09, 2012
The Sunday of Orthodoxy 2012

On this magnificent feast of the triumph of our Holy Orthodox Faith, we behold the icon of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Icon of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). Though no man has seen God at any time, the Only-Begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him (Jn. 1:18). And in the living icons of our Lord Jesus Christ -- the Saints, Martyrs and Confessors of the Orthodox Faith, we behold those who, by their holy lives and oftentimes by their martyric deaths have exalted the truth of the Gospel for all the world to see. We, who are their spiritual descendants and heirs, are bound to confess their heroic and saintly deeds, which bear witness to the greatness of God and the power of faith.

March 01, 2012
Great Lent 2012

"Not only must we all pay attention to what we are eating, but we must also abstain from every sin, so that while the belly fasts, in the same way the tongue should also fast. In other words, we must abstain from slander, from lying, from vain talking, from mocking others, from anger and, in a word, from every sin which we commit with the tongue. In the same way, our eyes must also fast and not look at vain sights. Let us not be haughty with words and not look at anyone with rudeness and audacity. In the same way, if we are fasting, our fasting is pleasing to God when the five gates of our senses are well closed and preserve us pure and undefiled."

February 26, 2012
2012-2013 Scholarship Applications Available from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Applications for scholarships administered by the Chancellor

February 26, 2012
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America: Year in Review

In today?s secular society, which is often filled with meaningless rhetoric, it is encouraging to report that the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America is progressing toward its stated goals.

February 20, 2012
Interview with Bishop Andonios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

The latest interview as part of our series of "Conversations with our Bishops" is now available for you to hear online or download. Bishop Andonios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America offers his reflections on the Assembly.

February 15, 2012
Other Assemblies of Orthodox Christian Bishops Around the World

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America is only one of twelve such assemblies around the world working for the good of the holy Church of Christ. For past and current news from some of these other Assemblies of Bishops, please see our Other Assemblies section.

February 09, 2012
Committee for Financial Affairs Meets November 2011

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops

February 03, 2012
Record of Protest Against the Infringement of Religious Liberty by the Department of Health and Human Services

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, which is comprised of the 65 canonical Orthodox bishops in the United States, Canada and Mexico, join their voices with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and all those who adamantly protest the recent decision by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and call upon all the Orthodox Christian faithful to contact their elected representatives today to voice their concern in the face of this threat to the sanctity of the Church

February 02, 2012
Interview with Archbishop Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

The latest interview as part of our series of "Conversations with our Bishops" is now available for you to hear online or download. Archbishop Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America offers his reflections on the Assembly.

February 01, 2012

Showing 301 - 320 of 408 Articles | Page 16 of 21