Diana Ball, MSW, LCSW, LISW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Independent Social Worker
9417 Saint Joe Center Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46845
(859) 475-3247
Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes
Mental Health Services Provided |
Ages/Demographics Served |
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Licensed to Practice |
Additional Certifications |
Integration of Faith | As a social worker, I focus on the whole person, as well as how our environments impact our wellbeing. This includes spirituality and faith practices. I let clients lead regarding how much and what we discuss involving religious practices. My main modalities (IFS, DBT) are highly conducive to Orthodox practices due to their focuses on mindfulness, inner reflection and recognizing our connectedness. |
Primary Address | 9417 Saint Joe Center Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46845 |
Contact Information |
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