Directory of Orthodox Christian Mental Health Professionals

For Providers
Please Note: this is a preliminary list and many providers are being added weekly, so please check back often to see who has been added to your area. Our goal is to have providers listed in every region of the country and major metropolitan areas.

Choosing a mental health provider who is best suited to meet your personal situation and needs can be challenging. Often it is best to begin your search based on which state you live in because licensed mental health professionals are limited by state law to practice only in states where they are licensed. However, there are exceptions to this rule, so we encourage you to contact providers directly and inquire about whether or not they can provide distance services to you. Click here for some sample questions that you may wish to ask to help determine if the provider will be a good fit for your situation.

The contact information in this directory does not constitute an emergency and/or crisis support service. Email, text message, and/or voicemail are not suitable for emergency communication and/or situations. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or a mental health crisis and require immediate assistance, contact 911 or go to your nearest hospital/emergency room. For support concerning suicidal thoughts and/or other mental health crisis, call the 24/7 Suicide Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or text 'HOME' to 741741. Additional specialized crisis hotlines for specific needs may be found at: MHA National Crisis Resources. Other support resources may be found at: NAMI National HelpLine Resource Directory.

Number of returned Mental Health Listings: 13

Anastasia Leondis

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, National Certified Counselor

Boca Raton, Florida 33432

(561) 961-9077

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 26.3507385 -80.0934394
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Linda Unneland

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Pleasantville, New York 10570

(914) 589-4328

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 41.1297154 -73.7872304
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Maria Kratsios

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

New York, New York 10024

(212) 920-7652

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 40.7857001 -73.970079
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Dr. Georgian Tiberiu Mustata


Syracuse, New York 13210

(315) 744-4407

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 43.044283 -76.14198
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Dr. Dean (Alcuin) K. Kellerhouse

Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor

Oneonta, New York

(603) 937-0665

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 42.453492 -75.0629531
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Dr. Salvatore A. Argiro


Binghamton, New York 13905

Binghamton, New York 13905

(607) 237-0006

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 42.095842 -75.918602
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Thomas Perkins

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

empty, New York 10001

(781) 924-6072

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 40.7127281 -74.0060152
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Dr. Katherine Stavrianopoulos

Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

New York, New York

Yonkers, New York

(914) 755-5958

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 40.713777431468 -74.02404717463
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Dr. Eva Pappas Krias

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

New York, New York 10003

(212) 475-8614

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 40.737193786725 -73.986614457602
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Dr. Jason Stepkovitch


Marcellus, New York 13108

(315) 671-2140

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

exact 42.9831887 -76.3367063
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Emily Waters

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Hampton, Virginia

(757) 744-2397

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 37.029972154359 -76.345899181615
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Elena Bauer

Licensed Psychoanalyst

New York City, New York

(646) 709-8642

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 40.734062762282 -73.995050944921
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Maria Kourounis

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

East Meadow, New York 11554

(646) 481-5350

Distance/Telehealth services: Yes

approx 40.71405389228 -73.559639494827
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The providers listed in this directory have been verified with their state board(s) as being licensed (or certified if a substance abuse counselor) to practice in their state(s). They also have been verified by their parish priest as being a member in good sacramental standing of the Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox Church.

Please review this disclaimer to understand the limits of the information being provided.

The production and maintenance of the Directory of Orthodox Christian Mental Health Providers was made possible with funding from The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund