Risk Assessment Toolkit for Parishes

The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Toolkit for Parishes provides easy access to publicly available information helpful when considering services during the pandemic. It is intended to be used in conjunction with other sources and considerations – such as rules issued by local civil authorities, other relevant public health data, etc. – to create a tailored plan on a case-by-case basis. The information, while updated regularly, may not reflect the most recent changes, and users should check back often as conditions are rapidly changing.

Please note that the information in the Risk Assessment Toolkit is provided for informational purposes only and is not legal or medical advice. Users are strongly urged to consult local legal counsel and medical professionals.


Risk of Gathering Size Calculator

  • Use this tool to calculate the risk for your community if one person is infected at a gathering of a given size in a given County.

Risk of Time in a Given Space Calculator

  • Use this tool to calculate the safe amount of time for a gathering if there is one person infected in a certain type of building with certain HVAC. We recommend you use the "advanced" feature to the extent you can; You will likely get very different results when you put in the specifics of you church versus the generic church option provided.

CDC COVID Data Tracker

  • Use this tool to track the trends in your local area.

Pertinent Government Orders

  • Use this tool to learn about pertinent government orders in your State. Please note that this list is a compilation of State level orders and does not include county or local municipality level orders. Therefore, consulting with local legal counsel and referring directly to your local governments’ websites and resources for updated information is recommended.

Helpful Information from the CDC

  • Use this information to become better acquainted with how COVID-19 spreads and measures that will help protect the community.



Assembly of Bishops COVID-19 Risk Assessment Toolkit for Parishes

Legal Disclaimer

The Assembly of Bishops COVID-19 Risk Assessment Toolkit for Parishes and all associated websites is provided by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, the COVID-19 Task Force, and its members (collectively, the “Website Providers”) solely for reference and informational purposes only. The Website Providers make no representations with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of the Website content, and specifically disclaim all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for any particular usage, application, or purpose. The Website does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship between the Website Providers and any other party or parties.

The information from which the Website is derived comes from public, third party sources, including Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. Census Bureau, and other sources that are believed to be generally reliable. However, the Website Providers have not verified this information. Users of the Website should conduct their own due diligence in determining the validity of the Website data and should consult with the public health agency and other government officials in their own jurisdiction in determining appropriate actions relating to the COVID-19 epidemic. By voluntarily making use of the Website, the user assumes any and all risks related to use of the Website, and waives any and all claims against the Website Providers. In no event shall the Website Providers be liable for damages to any user of the Website for any purpose.

Copyright in the Website compilation and website (not including the information from third-party sources) belongs to the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. Content on any linked third party websites belong to the creators of such websites. This Website may be used solely for personal, non-commercial purposes, and not for any other purpose without the written consent of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops.