Townhalls, Forums, and Webinars

Orthodox Camp Workers and Directors Town Halls 

Past Webinars 

"Let THEM serve you! The Power & Proper Role of Emotions in the Life of an Orthodox Christian" by Fr. Turbo Qualls 

"Using 101 Saints "Alexandra Shmalzbach

Click here for conference recordings

"The Healing Power of Beauty" with Dr. Tim Patitsas

Cultivating Beauty with Presbytera Krista West

The ART of of staying Mentally and Spiritually Healthy During the Coronavirus Video

We are very grateful to Fr. Chris Shadid for hosting the video the ART of Staying Mentally and Spiritually Healthy During the Coronavirus. This video is targeted towards teenagers and young adults, but we believe it could be helpful to faithful of any age. 

Webinar on Proactive Youth Formation with Fr. Nicholas Andruchow

Webinar on Discernment: What is true and beautiful? with Fr. Seraphim Aldea

Youth Worker Training Opportunities Webinar


Camp Staff Development Webinar 2020

Do Not Be Afraid: Youth Ministry Now


Youth Formation: Mentoring, Vocation, and Faith


Ministering to Our Campers with Special Needs


Parents: The Missing Piece of Your Youth Ministry


Keeping Your Camp Christ Centered